Disney's Hercules Wiki

Gods are an immortal race of all-powerful, supernatural and ageless entities, each one embodying a certain aspect of the universe. Their leaders and rulers are Allah (known in Greek as Theos, Roman as Deus, Egyptian as Netjer and Norse as Gudh), for good ones, Al-Shaitan (known in Greek as Diabolos and Norse as Djofull), for evil ones referred to as devils, and Al-Ruwah (known in Greek as Pneuma and Roman as Spiritus) and Aeon (known in Roman as Aeternitas and Arabian as Abad), for bittersweet ones referred to as spirits. They are related to the older Titans, their ancestors and chief enemies. There are twelve major gods who rule over the universe, the Olympians and many minor ones who serve smaller, though necessary, purposes in the world.


Each god has specific powers based on what they represent, but they all share certain powers and abilities specific to their individual domains can overlap.

Powers shared by all tend to include

  • Immortality
  • superhuman strength
  • broad range of magical abilities (levitation, teleportation)

