These three wiseful sisters share one eye, which they use to see the future. They also determine the deaths of mortals, cutting a mortal’s Thread of Life to send them to the Well of Souls in the Underworld. They know everything that has happened and will happen, and are an authority above the gods in this respect though they cannot kill a God: they were The goddesses of past present and future and they were daughters of Zeus god of the sky and king of gods and Themis goddess of the law and order or Erebus, primordial god of darkness and Nyx, primordial goddess of night.
Clotho: the Fate who spins people's threads of life.
Lachesis: the Fate who measures the lengths of the threads.
Atropos: the Fate who cut the threads.
They are mixture of Moires (Greek Fates), from which they gain powers, and Graias, from which they gain apperance.
In mythology[]
The Fates were sister their control people life and fate and destiny wave destiny on their Tapestry of Fate according the Homer their were daughters of Nyx and Zeus or Hera and in norse mythology it is that they decibe the date of everything. Owing their appearance as the norns, that would mean that Clotho is Verthandi, Lachesis is Urd, and Atropos is Skuld Their goddesses of destiny and Fate similarity to the Fates in greek mythology they describe what happened to you after you are Born and Decide Baby fate and die and other Norse Gods destiny During twilight of the Gods the coming of Ragnarok
Mother: Nyx
Father: Erebus or Zeus
Sisters: Nemesis and Eris and Hemera
Brothers: Thanatos and Hypnos and Aether and Charon
Nephews: Morpheus and Phantasos
- As goddesses, the Fates possess the natural abilities and strength of an Olympian goddess such as Immortality, Omnipresence, Omniscience, superhuman strength, Metamorphosis and Teleportation.
- as the goddesses of destiny, The Fates watch over and weave the Tapestry of Fate and destiny, their also able to see into the future and therefore know the outcome of all events to come. However the weaving of the Tapestry is not something only they can do anyone who can uses the loom the Tapestry is created with it able to weave it and alter fate, however, this can have catastrophic results and only the Fates can properly weave the Tapestry and maintain over and balance in the cosmos